Markþjálfahjartað vill stuðla að bjartari framtíð og hefur þrisvar sinnum tekið þátt í alþjóðlegu samstarfsverkefni að nafni Ignite sem styður 17 heimsmarkmið Unicef í gegnum ICF Foundation.
Í verkefninu vinna markþjálfar saman í því að veita skólastjórnendum markþjálfun þeim án kostnaðar til að komast í snertingu við þetta skilvirka verkfæri. Sem styður markmið Markþjálfahjartans við að koma markþjálfun í skólakerfið á Íslandi. ​ Markþjálfar vilja koma því áleiðis "hvað markþjálfun er".
Nú hefur Ignite verkefnið fengið viðurkenningu frá “The American Society of Associations Executives” (ASAE). Sjá meira um hér að neðan
The ICF Foundation envisions a world in which coaching accelerates and amplifies positive impact on humanity and the planet. Over the last few years the Foundation has been able to expand our Ignite Initiative’s to support more than 80 organizations reaching nearly 16 million with the impact of coaching. We are actively working to measure the social impact of coaching with global mission-driven organizations.
We're excited to announce that the ICF Foundation's Ignite: Engaging Humanity Through Education program was awarded with the American Society of Associations Executives (ASAE) Silver Award in its 2020 Power of A awards program!
During 2018 and 2019, ICF Chapters worldwide offered more than 75 local pro bono coaching initiatives and over 400 leaders benefited from a total of 1,850 hours of professional coaching donated by ICF-credentialed members! We want to celebrate your impact within this initiative because we could not have done it without you. Help us celebrate you by using our new Facebook frame:
Make a Social Impact in Your Community
Ignite continues to make an impact on local communities because of the work of coaches like yourself—and the initiative is evolving to a new phase. There are two key changes to be aware of:
Who is eligible to coach: Participating ICF-credentialed coaches may include those with an ACC, PCC or MCC. ACC participants no longer need one prior ICF renewal. Also, ICF Chapters and ICF Members can create Ignite projects. In the past this was a chapter-only program.
What organizations are eligible as partners: To better respond to the current events of our world, the focus of a pro bono Ignite project can be on any one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Ignite projects will no longer be limited to SDG# 4 Education.
We have updated the Ignite Roadmap and Resource Suite of Tools to help your initiative be successful. Are you ready to make a difference, to explore new horizons with Ignite? Learn more of how to make an impact today here.
We continue to learn of the many organizations impacted by Ignite. Click on the video below to listen to Dr. Emilia Negru share the change that coaching made for her personally and professionally with the Academy of Leadership and School Management. A big thank you to the ICF Romania Chapter for their work in creating this video.